Correct Word Usage

Word Usage Tips | See, Look at, Hear, Listen to, Speak and Say | Learn their usage in sentences to build your vocabulary

4 Word Usage Tips See, Look at, Hear, Listen to, Speak and Say

Word Usage Tips – tips on correct word usage, In this article you are going to learn (See, Look at, Hear, Listen to, Speak and Say) and their usage in sentences.

See bears the same relation to look at as hear does to listen to or as speak does to say. The verbs see, hear and speak are used generally to denote the exercise of the power of sight, hearing or speech, without any definite or special effort concentration upon any particular object. But the verbs look at, listen to and say do indicate the concentration of the power of sight, hearing or speech upon a particular object.

Incorrect: Have you seen my last Examination paper, Sir?

Correct: Have you looked at my last Examination paper, Sir?

Incorrect: You should not hear such nonsense.

Correct: You should not listen to such nonsense.

Incorrect: What are you speaking?

Correct: What are you Saying?

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